Stephen Colbert is a fan of executions, from the hangman's noose to the electric chair.
“Folks, I love capital punishment,” Colbert said. “It sends a clear message. We as a society think it is depraved to take a human life and to prove it we're going to kill you.”
And “The Colbert Report” host said on Wednesday's program that he has no stomach for death penalty opponents who are sounding alarms about the ways states are compensating for a shortage of drugs used for lethal injections. Apparently it's prompting some states to resort to dubious substitute chemical additives.
Also read: Stephen Colbert Confesses GOP Obamacare Fight an Elaborate April Fool's Joke (Video)
“It's kind of like when you run out of skim and have to put half and half in your coffee,” Colbert explained. “I mean just kill me now.”
The issue is that some of these alternative drugs appear to be prolonging executions and causing inhumane side effects. In one Oklahoma execution, the inmate's final words were “I feel my whole body burning.”
“Oh big deal, I yell that all the time in hot yoga,” Colbert said.
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The post Why Stephen Colbert Loves Capital Punishment (Video) appeared first on TheWrap.
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